ASSISTING AT LOCAL EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS Sponsoring and assisting with the organisation of the art, craft and photography sections at the Samford Show provides local artists a venue to exhibit their work in a public space for little expense, while providing exposure and experience in exhibition work.
QUIRKY QUILTERS…(QQ - as we call them)
About 17 years ago some of the fibre arts folk joined together and formed the Quirky Quilters group which now sees them donating hours of their time sewing, knitting, and crocheting for charity. They proudly supported Hummingbird House, the first children's hospice in Queensland in its beginnings. To date they have made and distributed many articles to the Mater Children's Hospital (library bags for children schooling in hospital), various Cancer Councils, Love and Care, Animal Welfare Groups (Joey Bags), Careflight, Dept. Family Services, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Wildcare, Smith Family, Abused Women groups and individuals suffering from failing health issues. Their skills have been used to make amazing patchwork quilts, which are often raffled by the receiving group to assist with fund raising. Meals on Wheels group organisers receive quilts to give to as gifts for birthday occasions (e.g., for birthdays ending in 5 or 0 and even a couple of 99-year-olds).
They have created Padded Covers for Humidity Cribs, Side Rails for beds, Large Adult Bibs and Modesty Covers for aged folk in wheel chairs. The QQ group also collected soft toys for people in Dementia wards.
An Association member was recognised by the Pillowcases for Oncology Kids group for the donations she has made to that group. The Quirky Quilters were also nominated for Pride of Australia, 2015.
The Slab Hut participates in the Samford and Surrounds Arts Trails every year and are proud to see that people are keen to visit the area for this artistic endeavor.